現在の価格 ¥ 400(2024/04/19 更新)
カテゴリ ユーティリティ
対応デバイス iPhone  iPad 
Pocket Glasses is a simple magnifier app that helps users see the little things without glasses, solving all those problems once and for all! Easily transform those little blurred lines into clear, legible text, thanks to built-in zoom and freeze functions. Ideal for those with presbyopia!

IMPORTANT! The application requires camera and microphone permissions to work.

Basic usage is very simple:

- tap or gesture to zoom

- freeze/unfreeze camera

- save to gallery

You can also use

- built-in flashlight for easy reading in the dark

- tip calculator to find out how much you should tip, based on your receipt
(supports a wide range of currencies)

Use Pocket Glasses to :

- Read text written in small print, such as a menu, prescription, instruction or manual.

- See more details in small objects

- Read in the dark thanks to the built-in flashlight

- Calculate tips for the whole table